Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Rushmore (1998) Short Review

I love this movie. It’s probably one of my all-time favorites. It’s simple, yet it has lots of depth behind it. I liked how it’s about a kid in high school who is quite grown up, but at the same time, he has a lot to learn before. It’s truly a movie I would recommend.
        I loved how the movie portrayed Max Fisher. I never saw him as a child, even when he was in either of his schools. I really ended up feeling for the guy as he struggled with his affections for Rosemary, yet I knew it was an impossible goal for him to reach because of the age differences.
I ended up taking issue with 2 characters, namely Bill Murray’s character, Henry Blume, and the character of Margaret Yang. Henry, in my opinion, was boring and dull and, at times, felt flat. I didn’t feel like he had any depth. Yes, he was struggling with his own life, but that was pretty much it. I didn’t end up caring for the guy. This is probably attributed to my strong attachment to Max Fischer who was played wonderfully by one of my favorite actors, Jason Schwartzman. As for Margaret Yang, she was unnecessary to the overall plot of the film. She was only in the movie to basically sway the viewer from wanting Max to be with Rosemary Cross. It was obvious from the beginning that Max and Margaret would end up together in the end. That bothered me somewhat, but I ultimately went along with it.

So overall, I give this film an A- but I’m debating whether it deserves a B+ instead. Look, I really enjoyed this film, but the secondary characters fall short of my expectations. Too many felt unnecessary and almost useless. But nevertheless, this movie’s story feels incredibly relatable since I’m pretty sure most of us have had feelings for someone we probably know will never reciprocate those feelings, as well as the inevitable notion that all of us have to grow up at some point. By growing up, we must give up some of the things we enjoy. In Max’s case, he has to give up the many extracurricular activities he participates in, so that he may raise his grades which help him for the long-run in terms of his education. And with that education, he can gain acceptance into a good university to which he would learn a trade that better suits him instead of having to become a barber like his father. Even his father acknowledges that he does not want his son to be a barber like him meaning he wants Max to be something. And after this movie, you could tell he has that potential. All in all, it’s a wonderful film that many can enjoy.

Wes Anderson Binge Watch

       The Title of the post says it all. I’m currently binge watching Wes Anderson’s movies, meaning the one’s he’s written (even co-written) and directed. Currently, before the writing of this post, I’ve seen Bottle Rocket, The Grand Budapest Hotel, and, of course, Fantastic Mr. Fox. From these 3 movies, I’ve been able to distinguish some common traits especially the wackiness of his films, yet I like how they don’t really delve into become comedies. I’m really interested in writing a few reviews for all of these, so I think that might be done in the upcoming days, so stay tuned for those.

       And well, I’ve been watching these in order of their release date. I enjoy watching movies from directors in this way simply because you’re able to see them develop and master their style and vision. And even in some cases, I really like how at one point in their career, they just do the opposite of what you expect from them. So the ones I have left to watch are Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums, Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The Darjeeling Limited, and Moonrise Kingdom. I’ve seen only one trailer for each of these, and I must say, I am like freaking excited. I also think it’s interesting how in many movies of Wes Anderson’s we get to see Bill Murray and Owen Wilson. Being new to movies, I never would have associated Owen Wilson with some of the movies he’s done with Wes Anderson since I’ve always seen him as the pretty boy who’s only in romantic comedies. I like how I’m currently being proven wrong. As for Bill Murray, I think I’ve only seen him in only a couple of movies, so I don’t really know much about him. But well, we’ll see how this binge goes. Starting with Rushmore tonight, having just finished watching Bottle Rocket, which I really enjoyed. Hopefully I’ll get to The Royal Tenenbaums and Life Aquatic tonight. 

Monday, July 21, 2014

The Flash TV Show (2014) First Impressions

          I was shocked to have found out that the pilot for the new Flash spin-off had leaked online almost a month ago.  So of course, I had to check it out. Therefore, this first impression really won’t have major spoilers, just explanations of what I saw regarding Easter eggs, but I am still going to give my thoughts on the episode and outlook of the show as a whole. However, it won't necessarily be a review either. I do caution when reading this though.
          First off, I’ve really liked the Barry Allen character since his appearance on Arrow. I grew up a Wally West fan where I only saw him as THE Flash, so it sort of took me a while to get used to Barry as Flash especially in Young Justice and on Arrow. And boy, I am excited to see where this show is going. I like how this episode sort of continued from the Flash episodes on Arrow, yet it still showed what he did when he arrived in Central City before the collapse of the Particle Accelerator.  When you see the STAR Labs team, it makes you wonder if there were ever more employees and what kind of people they had to have been since the group we’re shown are so different from each other. The head of STAR Labs, Dr. Harrison Wells, always struck me as a villain in the trailer for the show, and you kind of get that same vibe when he’s on screen. Because he’s this shows’ John Diggle, as in created solely for the show, you don’t really know what route the showrunners are planning to do. I would love it if they made him a villain. Being a villain would counteract how Diggle is Oliver’s voice of reason and conscious, while Wells could make a great foil to Barry so as to not have to use Zoom too early on in the show. 
      Transitioning to Barry, the charm his character had in Arrow is almost completely gone in this episode. Basically, we don’t really get a nerdy, suave, confident Barry. What we do end up with is a more reserved individual who has that typical friend-zone struggle. Also, this show is about him, yet he almost felt nonexistent at times where the focus of the episode shifts to secondary characters. However, he is still very likable, but he has a different type of aura about him this time.
In regards to secondary characters, I took issue with two specifically. Iris West’s dad, Joe West, felt much weaker especially when compared to other comic book police dads portrayed in recent live action media. I’m mainly referring to Gwen Stacy’s dad George Stacy (The Amazing Spiderman film series) and Laurel Lance’s dad Quentin Lance (Arrow TV Series). These two men are strong characters especially on-screen when they are dead-set on hunting these vigilante. Because of this, they actually help both heroes in having to prove to these men, who are the fathers of the women they love, that they are not just some vigilante in the way of the law, nor are they criminals. They are men who stand up for what they deem to be worth fighting for, risking their lives for citizens day in and day out. By proving their worth, they show what a real hero in that a hero must be a beacon of hope. But in The Flash, Joe West is not the guiding force Barry needs. That role ends up going to Dr. Wells. It almost makes you wonder if Joe West could become almost too expendable early on especially given the fact that he was Barry’s guardian for most of his life since the loss of someone you love always has a profound impact on the hero and provides a challenge to see what path they choose next. I don’t know if it was the actor, but unfortunately Joe West felt weak overall.
          Another character I wasn’t too fond of is the character Cisco Ramon. His role at this point is to be the anti-Felicity. He’s the tech expert, building Barry’s equipment, as well as the comic relief of the show…which can get annoying and cheesy. His character really has no substance at this point unlike his co-worker Caitlin Snow. I can almost make out that his role as the comic relief will wear thin. Hopefully they can build the character later on. This really takes away from his character since he’s supposed to be this incredibly smart tech guru that talks as if he’s in middle school. And yes, I know he’s supposed to be the youngest in STAR Labs, but wouldn’t he at least act a bit more like a scientist should especially given the situation they’re in?
The villain was mediocre. Defeated too easily by the often used Flash cliché of running the opposite direction to stop something like a tornado. Thought it was funny how quickly he became a hero to Central City almost overnight while it took ***SPOILER*** the Arrow two seasons and two major events to be considered one ***END OF SPOILER***. Also, the metahuman aspect sounds intriguing especially since Dr. Wells states that it has traversed into Starling City as well meaning more possible team-ups in the future with the Arrow??? We’ll see, but either way I can’t wait.
Overall, it was a good introductory episode. In some ways it could have been handled better especially in terms of the writing, but nonetheless, it’s basically an origin story. It is meant to simply give us a quick sense of the direction the show is supposed to go. No matter what, I’m still going to watch it. I’ll try to give my thoughts on the show here and there as it premieres. Also, one major development that has me a little uneasy is how easygoing it feels compared to most DC incarnations. I just hope it doesn’t get too cheesy and run its course almost like Smallville had with its characters and their costumes.
For those that want to know about some Easter Eggs I saw and have at least some sort of DC knowledge either through the comics or any other type of adaptations (i.e. animated works), continue reading, otherwise don’t since spoilers are likely. Also, bear in mind that these probably won't be in order of appearance and I might not cover all of them.

  1.  We're told who killed Barry's mom indirectly. Most of us probably know who but I won't put who it was especially for casual fans. Took me a while to figure out who he was since I wasn't able to hear his first name correctly, but his last name gave it away. For those that don't know, I don't want to spoil the show for you, so I'll just say that he's in the Police Department building.
  2. We see a frame of a cell with a name-plate on the bars with the word Grodd. Having just seen Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, I'd like to see the intelligent Gorilla Grodd ride a horse now haha.
  3. John Wesley Shipp is Henry Allen, Barry's father, who once played Barry Allen on the previous Flash TV Series in 1990.
  4. There's a reference to Bruce Wayne existing in this universe. No mention of Batman, but in a newspaper, it states that a merger has occurred among Wayne Tech and Queen Inc.
  5. In that same newspaper, the title of Barry Allen's Flash missing ("Flash Missing, Vanishes in Crisis") can be a reference to Crisis on Infinite Earths where the Flash of another timeline dies, deeply affecting that timeline's Justice League. However, it could mean a number of things as well such as Infinite Crisis, or maybe even a new storyline by the writers.
  6. Reference to Ferris Air which is the aviation corporation that employs future Green Lantern, Hal Jordan.
  7. Not really a comic book reference, but Barry's dad Henry at one point yells "Run, Barry, Run!"

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Godzilla (2014) Rant

        So I have a Cinemark theater in my town that shows movies a couple months (sometimes a few weeks) after their initial release for a $1. Because of this, I usually wait to see movies I feel are “dollar movie” worthy. Today, I finally watched Godzilla and I must say, it was definitely worth that dollar, but not more than that. I hated how it wasn’t a Godzilla movie. It’s a movie about a soldier whose main purpose is to make sure a nuclear bomb is launched on time…that’s it…with cameo appearances by Godzilla fighting these monsters…BRYAN CRANSTON WASN’T EVEN THE MAIN CHARACTER LIKE THEY MADE HIM APPEAR TO BE IN THE TRAILERS!!!!! He was in it for like a total of 15 minutes! Yet, even he had more screen-time than Godzilla! It just irked me beyond belief.
The few moments we had with Godzilla were great because by then, you’re practically falling asleep! Before the “fight” in San Francisco, I was yawning every minute which is attributed to Aaron Taylor Johnson’s character. He was boring and didn’t really do much to help the plot. I’m sorry, but Aaron Taylor Johnson could not carry this film. I know many like the guy. That’s cool. I, however, can not stand him when he’s on screen. I hated every time he talked during Kick-Ass, which is probably when I began my dislike of the guy. The run-time didn’t help either. It’s too long for a movie that is supposed to be about giant monsters duking it out.
The few moments we had with the King of Monsters was great. It’s tough to say that the fights were great since not much was shown. Every time he (or she? Wasn’t really established in the film so don’t know if it’s a continuation of classic Godzilla lore) roared, it made you feel how fearsome and powerful this beast is. My favorite moment has to be the final scene where Godzilla ***SPOILER*** finally takes out the female Muto with his blue flames of awesomeness ***END OF SPOILER***.
I'm sorry, but there were a few more cons I'd like to address. Ken Watanabe's character was useless. I love the guy, but they seriously mishandled his character. He literally did nothing the entire film. They never explained why he was even brought into the Janjira nuclear power plant. He never said anything. Even when the US Navy (if it's not the Navy, I forgot who it was) took over control of the monster situation, every time they showed him, he looked like a scared puppy the entire time who didn't know what to say besides "Let them fight". It bothered me how badly the script was written especially for a film that's 2 hours long. Also, I don't think radiation just magically disappears after 15 years. They really glared over that. Yes, you can assume that the Muto spore absorbed all the radiation, but I'm pretty sure there had to be some residue of it left, like Cranston's picture for example. I'm not an expert, but that's just what I assume. Also, when did the dang monster couple mate?! They mention that the male that just hatched is echoing a mating call, yet a day later, you see that the female in Nevada is pregnant...that doesn't make any sense. She's supposed to be the second Muto spore, but they ignore the fact that one of the spores from the beginning hatched and made its way into the sea. But during the movie, they make it seem like that's the female Muto that was in Nevada and ugh! I'm done. 

All in all, this movie is a C-. I knew what to expect coming into this, but that didn’t help at all. The movie makes you think otherwise such that it manipulates the idea that Godzilla or another monster is going to appear because of certain events, but it’s all a lie. Probably until halfway do you even see your first monster. Main cons were that it’s too long, Aaron Taylor Johnson, a couple plot holes and inconsistencies, and the big one…NOT ENOUGH GODZILLA!!!!!!! Sorry for this huge rant. :/

Godzilla First Impressions

First I'd like to start off by saying that to me, first impressions are meant to be short quick thoughts. Basically a couple paragraphs explaining what you thought about something is good enough. If it starts looking like an essay, then you should probably stop. I had to take my own advice when making this because it ended up becoming a long rant. Because I still want to post my rant with my grade of the movie, I’ll post this first reaction to Godzilla. Here you go:
For me, it was too long especially since Godzilla appears for basically less than 15 minutes altogether. I hated how the main character was Aaron Taylor Johnson (terrible character) when in the trailers, they clearly make Bryan Cranston appear to be the main guy. It was a human-centric movie that began to get more complicated and convoluted when it really didn’t have to. There were too many plot holes and inconsistencies regarding actions humans do and say. Rent it first before blind-buying it, otherwise, you’ll be very disappointed. 

My Thoughts on the Revealed Marvel Phase 4 Dates

For those that don't know, Marvel has revealed 5 new dates for their upcoming Phase 4. Here, I've added all the releases so far:
Phase 1:
  May 2, 2008: Iron Man
   June 13, 2008: The Incredible Hulk
   May 7, 2010: Iron Man 2
   May 6, 2011: Thor
   July 22, 2011: Captain America: The First Avenger
   May 4, 2012: The Avengers
    Phase 2:
   May 3, 2013: Iron Man 3
   November 8, 2013: Thor: The Dark World
   April 4, 2014: Captain America: Winter Soldier
   August 1, 2014: Guardians of the Galaxy
   May 1, 2015: Avengers: Age of Ultron
   Phase 3-4:
  July 17, 2015: Ant-Man
   May 6, 2016: Captain America 3
   July 8, 2016: Doctor Strange?
   May 5, 2017: TBD
   July 28, 2017: TBD
   November 3, 2017: TBD
   July 6, 2018: TBD (Possibly Avengers 4)
   November 2, 2018: TBD
   May 3, 2019: TBD
           With Marvel releasing 3 movies in 2017 (f*** yeah!), I feel like they might play it safe with Thor 3, Guardians 2, and a mysterious one...I personally am hoping for Black Panther or Miss Marvel as final 2017 movie. Marvel’s had success with Thor and they are banking on Guardians being another success. Also, we’re probably not going to get another Iron Man movie since Robert Downey Jr. has 2 more movies left on his super expensive, lucrative contract. They might just save him for 2 Avengers movies before finally recasting the character.
Regarding Miss Marvel, she could be Marvel’s answer to DC’s Wonder Woman since that’s supposed to be the same year Justice League comes out. Also, it’s incredibly evident that there needs to be a female superhero soon which makes it all the more likely that it's Miss Marvel. They might even forego a stand-alone Miss Marvel for a Captain Marvel/Mar-Vell and Miss Marvel movie. That would then expand the extent of the MCU even more. All we’ve really had is Black Widow, but not even she’s been used that well. Regarding Black Panther, he’s always been the popular choice. Since the start of the Marvel cinematic universe, fans have been demanding a Black Panther movie. Some even believed he would come before a Doctor Strange movie since in many incarnations, he’s the next avenger to join when a new threat arrives. I’ve always thought Idris Elba would have been a perfect Black Panther, but now it appears less likely as time passes.
For the final 2 dates, I think Avengers 3 has to be July 16, 2018. Avengers is a straight-out summer blockbuster that will have basically everyone flock to go out and see it. I doubt they’d ever put it out in November, but not even we thought they’d release a Marvel movie in April, yet that worked really well. Also, if they were to go the Planet Hulk route, which seems really likely at this point from all that we’ve seen and heard, that would be a great way to end Avengers 3, especially in a teaser, and transition to Planet Hulk in Phase 4. We know that a hulkbuster armor is bound to come since the release of the concept art a few months ago which means the Hulk will eventually get out of control. This is what leads to the decision of sending the Hulk into space beginning the Planet Hulk storyline. And if they go Planet Hulk, I would think that would be the final film in Phase 4 before Avengers 4 which could ultimately be World War Hulk where the Hulk returns and craves revenge. 
Another interesting idea is that we might not even get a Black Panther movie until Phase 5! Think about it for a second: You need a Black Panther movie to introduce the character and see his back-story along with his struggle to become the future king of Wakanda (almost Lion King-ish). I've always like his story because he's a hero who isn't really a hero. The king is always considered the "Black Panther". He (T'Challa) takes up the mantle of the Black Panther in order to protect and defend his country due to many reasons, and he is the first of his people to go outside their customs and work with those outside his nation. Because of this, he is seen as the superhero Black Panther to the rest of the world when he joins the Avengers. Because of a threat too big for even a king to handle, he seeks the help of the Avengers which is where I believe it could set up Avengers 5 after establishing his movie first as well as our true introduction into vibranium.
But then it brings up the question, when will we get Thanos? He's too big of a villain to introduce this soon but they can’t wait too long since they've been setting him up since first Avengers and now with the new Guardians movie coming out. You don’t just introduce someone this huge and then decide you just don’t want to use him anymore. I think Marvel sort of botched it teasing Thanos if they never planned on using him. However, for all we know, they could make him the big baddie of Phase 3 and use Hulk, who is now a huge fan favorite at this point, for phase 4. However, wouldn’t you think you’d want to use the fan favorite and give him his own movie?
And now my final thought, if they wait too long on Thanos, we might not even have the cast we have now. RDJ’ll likely be gone, Chris Evans wants to get into directing, Chris Hemsworth is growing as an actor which means more opportunities which goes double for Scarlet Johansson, Jeremy Renner is starting to gain ground as an action star, and Mark Ruffalo isn’t going to wait forever for a Hulk movie. Basically, we might have an X-Men issue in which the cast will be too old to play their superhero roles such that, they are actors and I highly doubt that they'd want to play a single character their whole career. They have such a great cast right now. It would suck to see them go.
Thankfully, Marvel's a heck of a lot smarter than me so I'm pretty sure they have this down to the tiniest detail.

The Usual About This Blog Post

            First off, my real name does not contain Slyke. I am a fan of the Los Angeles Dodgers and, as I write this post, am currently watching a game on ESPN (since Time Warner can’t get it together with other TV companies). A player by the name of Scott Van Slyke just batted and I just thought “why not?” and decided to use his last name. It’s a cool looking and sounding name, don’t you think?
            Regarding the “Fantastic Mr.”, Wes Anderson fans should get it as well as fans of the novel. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you should really check out Fantastic Mr. Fox. It was my first Wes Anderson movie and like it so much that I thought it sounded original for a movie blog.
            So regarding this blog, I’m new to movies, but my love for them is great. When I was younger, I never had the luxury of being able to go out and rent a VHS or watch a movie in a theater. My family was really poor when I was younger and my mom only speaks Spanish so we would usually watch movies if they were dubbed in Spanish. Every time a new movie would come out, I would beg my parents to take me, but because I was a child, I did not know the hardships we were going through. By the time I reached my 7th grade year, we were in much better financial standing, but I just didn’t care about movies then since they were mostly on DVD and we hadn’t upgraded from VHS, and going to a theater was out of the question because of ticket prices. We moved to a new town that year and finally noticed how bad my movie knowledge was when I reached high school. Luckily, I have a friend who I, on countless times, call old because of his vast knowledge of movies, music, and other things. He would criticize me for liking the types of movies that the general public likes when in reality, they’re pretty bad (i.e. Grown Ups).
            Now, I’m about to enter my 3rd year in college, and this summer has mostly been spent watching movies. I’ve started collecting blu-ray movies as I continue to expand my movie knowledge. For those wanting to know what this blog will be about, I guess we’ll see as I continue this “journey”. Mostly, you’ll see me post reviews (both newer releases and older), reaction from released movie news, first reactions, top 10 favorites lists, maybe speculations or what I would like to see in upcoming movies, and more. I’ll even post pictures and updates of my recent blu-ray pick-ups. So yeah, sit back and read if you’d like. I’d appreciate it if you give me some movies to watch either good or bad, it doesn't matter!

Thanks for reading and hopefully you and I will stick around!